My research subject for this essay is:
Should Trump’s Wall be builded at Mexico border and I am supporting that it should not be builded since it is not going to solve the immigration problem.
For the third argumentative essay this semester, you will propose a solution to a problem linked to the issue you have been researching. While you will demonstrate your ability to work within the argumentative genre of the proposal, you may draw upon other types of arguments (e.g., causal, definition, etc.) as needed.
Learning Goals for the Proposal Argument

To understand and apply the conventions of a proposal argument (Core Value 3).
To select the most appropriate and best quality sources for your purpose (Core Value 4).
To demonstrate an awareness of audience by providing necessary background information, anticipating objections, and recognizing potential differences you hold in beliefs and values (Core Value 3).
To treat other views respectfully (Core Value 5).
To make careful use of emotional appeals; you want to get your audience to care about a problem, but ultimately to persuade them to accept your solution through rational appeals (Core Value 5).


While your proposal will take the form of a researched essay, you should identify an audience that you would like to persuade with your argument. Possible audiences include the general public, a specific community affected by the problem, those in power that can enact the proposed change, or members of an opposing party that hold a different set of beliefs or values than you. As a writer, you will need to make careful choices about how to best appeal to your audience and tailor your reasons, evidence, etc. to them. Sections 1 and 3 of your proposal (see next page) will need to be carefully crafted.


Your proposal should be made in three phases: 1) show that a problem exists, 2) explain your proposed solution, and 3) offer a justification for this solution (that it is fair and feasible). If other proposed solutions to the problem already exist, you should address these in your paper and refute them (while making concessions) in favor of your own. You do not need to reinvent the wheel; it is fine to align yourself with a proposal made by others and just do the work of persuading your own audience.

Part of showing that a problem exists entails getting your reader to care enough to accept your proposed solution. To get the reader to care, you will need to work on their hearts as well as their minds by showing how the problem affects people (and, potentially, the reader specifically) and has important stakes.
You will need to show how your solution solves the problem (wholly or partially).You will need to offer reasons for adopting your proposal. What values can you appeal to? Of the person or organization that needs to be convinced, how can you show that their interests are served? Always remember your audience. You don’t have to pretend that your solution is perfect or has neither costs nor any negative consequences; you should address these and convince your reader that despite them, your solution is about doing the right thing.

(Note: the three sections outlined above are not meant to be accomplished in one paragraph each; the number of paragraphs will vary per task. If you have a rationale for deviating from this structure, that’s fine; you just might want to discuss it with me ahead of time.)


Length: 900 to 1200 words
Sources: minimum 3 required (the source being refuted and at least two others)
Original title.
Four-line header on first page containing student name, instructor name, course title and section number, date in European format, and the type of argument (e.g., Causal Argument). The four-line header goes on the first page only.
Typed, double-spaced with headers (name and page numbers in upper-right corner on all pages)
12 pt. Times New Roman, 1” margins, double-spacing.
Properly formatted in-text citations and Reference page.