POST1Professor QuestionThank you for your main post regarding success strategies as an online learner.  You have noted the value of prioritizing as a time management skill.  Are there other skills you can think of that might support you?  With your comment regarding “perfection” – this can be a barrier to completing your assignments on time.  How do you propose getting around this?My Initial PostNursing education can be challenging. However, it is crucial for all learners to be willing to go through these challenges in order to gain new skills that will be of help in the practice setting. Most nurses find it hard to close the gap between theory and practice, especially for those who are newly transitioning into practice (Windey, 2017). In this discussion, I will present one strategy that has enabled me to become better when it comes to technology use over the years especially in as far as my education and profession are concerned. In both cases, I have mastered ways of maneuvering through different databases especially in nursing research. This has been very advantageous to both my academic progress as well as my practice. In nursing, research is inevitable especially if evidence has to be the basis of practice (Black et al., 2015). Optimizing on tools that are offered by different databases when searching for evidence or when doing an academic paper has allowed me to not only make good use of technology but also completing these activities in an effective manner.I tend to take so much time before finishing some activities   and this is because of the need to perfect what I do. This is good but I can make improvements on time management in order to be more efficient. One strategy that I should consider when it comes to time management is prioritizing. This is a strategy that I believe shall allow me to know what to do first before moving to the next thing. I should also consider the use of a rapid planning model and effective decision making depending on the prevailing circumstances and the tasks that need to be completed. As a student and practitioner, I have to capitalize on critical thinking especially in the making of decisions. This is always considered to be important for patient outcomes (Chen, Chen & Pai, 2019).ReferencesBlack, A. T., Balneaves, L. G., Garossino, C., Puyat, J. H., & Qian, H. (2015). Promoting evidence-based practice through a research training program for point-of-care clinicians. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 45(1), 14Chen, F. F., Chen, S. Y., & Pai, H. C. (2019). Self-reflection and critical thinking: The influence of professional qualifications on registered nurses. Contemporary nurse, 55(1), 59-70Windey, M. (2017). Transition to Practice: Sharing Experiences and Insights. Journal for Nurses in Professional Development, 33(1), 42POST 2PROFESSOR QUESTIONI  love learning  about your mission to impact through social change the nursing profession.  Your missing is to enhance and promote the dignity and respect for our wonderful profession.  As you know, nurses are considered the “most trusted” profession.  I know for myself, I have patients who rely on my as there main health care provider for a variety of issues, and typically will first check with me prior to make health care decisions…..and I am in a “specialty practice”.Have you experienced any barriers to your mission?  If so, what were your lessons learned?Initial PostSocial change is one of the greatest focus that is presented in the mission and vision of Walden. Health professionals are prepared to be able to meet the current and emerging challenges in the health care delivery system. This standpoint by Walden is properly aligned with the AACN competencies. The competencies are related to different domains including patient care, knowledge and practice, practice-based learning and improvement, professionalism, interpersonal and communication skills, personal and professional development, interprofessional collaboration and systems-based practice. When health workers are properly prepared to meet the competencies in all these domains, it means that they are not only ready to handle the challenges in the health care industry but also that they are ready to bring the desired social changes in their areas of practice and to the nursing profession.Nurses are considered to be agents of change (Rafferty, 2018). This is how see myself as I pursue my professional and career goals. One of the most important aspects of my individual nursing philosophies is that I should be able to use all the available tools in order to bring the necessary social changes as a nurse. One tool that is always appreciated as a tool for change in population health is advocacy. I believe in the power of good policies in bringing desirable changes in the health care industry. As such the standpoint by Walden on social change is something that I resonate with (Williams, Phillips & Koyama, 2018).Thus, one of my professional goals is to continue to promote the respect and dignity of the nursing profession. A second professional goal is to make use of the current evidence to bring the best outcomes in my area of practice. The ability of evidence in influencing outcomes is a well-known relationship (Li, Cao & Zhu, 2019). From the two goals, it is clear that I have properly integrated Walden’s standpoint on social change in my professional goals.ReferencesLi, S., Cao, M., & Zhu, X. (2019). Evidence-based practice: Knowledge, attitudes, implementation, facilitators, and barriers among community nurses—systematic review. Medicine, 98(39)Rafferty, A. M. (2018). Nurses as change agents for a better future in health care: the politics of drift and dilution. Health Economics, Policy and Law, 13(3-4), 475-491.Williams, S., Phillips, J., & Koyama, K. (2018). Nurse advocacy: Adopting a health in all policies approach. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 23(3)