The first subject:Making money on the Web
17 Vocabulary Words

So what happens in between fame and riches? Investors! People who believe in a company pour money into it in hopes that it will prove to be a good investment, and make them money in return.
Much money has passed hands as Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg gives portions of the company’s equity (stock) to constituents such as Facebook staff.
A company may launch a product several times before it actually works well. This tactic of trial and error is called the version 3 phenomenon. Microsoft is famous for it.
The Web business model we call Ads means making money from promoting other people’s products on your site.
The Web business model we call “selling stuff” means making money the way it has been made forever, exchanging physical products for money.
the Web business model we call Infomediation means making money by being in between the people who have info and those who need it.
The Web business model we call “selling data” means making money by selling what you know about your users.
When data is anonymous it is unlinked from anyone’s identity. But is it more or less valuable when it is not linked to you? Would you pay more for linked data?
The Web business model we call Subscriptions means charging people by the month for your service.
The Web business model we call “selling to businesses” means making money not from individuals but from organizations who will pay for what ordinary people may not.
Users don’t want to pay for software, but businesses do. For example, Google charges companies who want to use their products on intranets (internal sites). The same could happen with Facebook.
The Web business model we call “getting underneath” other businesses means making sure even your competitors need your product to succeed.
Facebook is angling to be the single sign-in on the Web. For now Facebook sign-in is free for other companies to use, but once everyone is using it, will Facebook try to monetize it? Why wouldn’t they? When users expect to use only the Facebook sign-in, other companies would be forced to pay Facebook so their users can have what they want.
The business model for mobile is evolving: the most common strategies are to sell many units for a very low price each, or the “freemium” model in which they give away the product, then sell virtual goods and extras.
It’s hard to get discovered in the virtual market; giving things away for free helps earn eyeballs and buzz. If you establish a large base, you can then upsell users (that is, get them to buy more after they have the basic product).
Farmville’s method consists of: 1. Frustrating you; 2. Rewarding you (you can pay more to “unlock” systems); and 3. Creating a gift economy (which is really viral marketing. They get users to advertise for them, in this case by giving and getting gifts among friends).
Facebook is dogfooding the intranet capabilities of the site. That means Facebook teams themselves are using the capability first to prove that others might want it as well.

By now you should be pretty familiar with the vocab words of this module. So, you should be able to use them properly and creatively

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Compose and type in a story that shows you really understand each of the words

Be creative but be sure what you type shows you understand (not just can type) the words
Use all the vocabulary words
Type them exactly as they are typed above (same pluralization, capitalization, tense, etc.

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Make sure you use the words in a way that really shows you understand them
The Second Subject:Advertising
3 Vocabulary Words

Google argues that their ads are driven by the “moment of relevance,” or that place and time when the user really wants the information the ad supplies.
The idea of targeting is making precise calculations about who sees what ad.
An operating system is like Windows or Mac OS. It is the software that allows all other software on your computer to run.

By now you should be pretty familiar with the vocab words of this module. So, you should be able to use them properly and creatively

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Compose and type in a story that shows you really understand each of the words

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Use all the vocabulary words
Type them exactly as they are typed above (same pluralization, capitalization, tense, etc.)

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Make sure you use the words in a way that really shows you understand them
Authority and Trust
11 Vocabulary Words

The term authority is based on trust. It is the trusted, definitive, beyond-question source of some sort of information.
In the pre-online era (before the Web), we used publication processes for vetting information before it was released.
What information enters the public realm can be decided by people already considered authorities. They function as gatekeepers, letting through only the information they want to.
In the computer world, a set of steps you follow to reach a goal is called an algorithm.
A good example of vetting by algorithm is Google Search. Even though people created the algorithm, there are no experts involved in this process of ranking the results you see.
Social ranking, or popularity, is an increasingly important way of figuring out what information is most relevant to you.
Vetting by the crowd has come a long way and is becoming an important way of checking information. Mechanical Turk is a good example crowd-sourcing. It brings together thousands of people who might be just who is needed to solve a problem for you.
The process by which information is evaluated for accuracy and trustworthiness is called vetting.
Wikipedia is a wiki, which has come to mean a place where the crowd can collaborate quickly to make Web pages.
An IP address is a series of numbers that identifies a particular computer. They may or may not be a reliable way to link you to what you do on a computer.
There are special people called administrators at Wikipedia and in other systems who have rights and abilities above the normal user’s

By now you should be pretty familiar with the vocab words of this module. So, you should be able to use them properly and creatively

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Compose and type in a story that shows you really understand each of the words

Be creative but be sure what you type shows you understand (not just can type) the words
Use all the vocabulary words
Type them exactly as they are typed above (same pluralization, capitalization, tense, etc.)

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Make sure you use the words in a way that really shows you understand them
6 Vocabulary Words

Before the electronic era information was usually directly communicated and not recorded, much of the information you received was hearsay. As you know, this is an untrustworthy form of information because it’s so prone to distortion.
An end-user agreement creates a contract between you and a software company
One type of end-user agreement is Opt in. This means that you are not part of a program or activity until you say you want to be. This requires extra effort on the user’s part to say they want to be part of an agreement.
If an end-user agreement is opt out you are part of a program or activity it until you say you don’t want to be. It requires extra effort to decide not to participate.
The “Eye in the Sky” refers to satellites, looking down on populations and recording their actions.
The “Data Eye in the Sky” refers to large scale data aggregation that governments like our own are now performing. Governments ask what is going on and what should we do about it?

By now you should be pretty familiar with the vocab words of this module. So, you should be able to use them properly and creatively

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Compose and type in a story that shows you really understand each of the words

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Use all the vocabulary words
Type them exactly as they are typed above (same pluralization, capitalization, tense, etc.)

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Make sure you use the words in a way that really shows you understand them
Business in the Info Age
6 Vocabulary Words

Our culture has a split personality about big tech companies like Google. On the one hand we are constantly afraid that they are out for world domination. On the other hand, we love what they offer us and make them our heroes.
To some extent, Apple (like all the best products) goes beyond products and becomes almost a cult.
The Google “desktop” runs in your browser because that is what is available to Google for now. But inside your browser you can “live” in Google applications all day. Google has everything you need. And therein lies their strategy. They want you to use all and only Google applications.
But Microsoft has one thing going for it (their competitive advantage). Chrome can’t run without Windows. But Windows can run perfectly well without Chrome. Windows is underneath Chrome
Google can’t get to a lot of Facebook data. Facebook’s hidden web that can’t be accessed through the Google crawling tools because it is behind Facebook’s firewall.
Google is an algorithmic company while Facebook understands people

By now you should be pretty familiar with the vocab words of this module. So, you should be able to use them properly and creatively

Read over the vocabulary words one more time
Compose and type in a story that shows you really understand each of the words

Be creative but be sure what you type shows you understand (not just can type) the words
Use all the vocabulary words
Type them exactly as they are typed above (same pluralization, capitalization, tense, etc.)

Get an Eval for your story. For the best Eval

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Make sure you use the words in a way that really shows you understand them

Web Sites and other Info Channels
8 Vocabulary Words

A Web site is information on the Web that is more closely associated with itself than with other information on the Web.
Web pages contain ways of getting from the page to other pages. This is called navigation.
A Web page area is a distinct region of the page that includes one defined region of the page.
The banner area at the top of the page. It tells you who owns the site you are on.
The language for Web page display is called HTML.
A communication channel is a way of delivering information.
Each communication channel has its own affordances, that is, what it allows you to do and not do.
The fact that the online channel is digital means that all forms of communication use the same format (bits) and use very little power to communicate a lot of information so communication can be very cheap.

By now you should be pretty familiar with the vocab words of this module. So, you should be able to use them properly and creatively

Read over the vocabulary words one more time
Compose and type in a story that shows you really understand each of the words

Be creative but be sure what you type shows you understand (not just can type) the words
Use all the vocabulary words
Type them exactly as they are typed above (same pluralization, capitalization, tense, etc.)

Get an Eval for your story. For the best Eval

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Make sure you use the words in a way that really shows you understand them

The Structure of Information
5 Vocabulary Words

An information model helps you understand and manage large amounts of information.
A type is kind of information. Actual pieces of information are called information items
An attribute is one part or aspect of an information type.
Attributes have value patterns. They are entry formats that specify the way that values of the attribute are expected to be entered.
Info items have relationships to other items that connect them. As, for example, when a particular person (an item) likes a particular event (another item)

By now you should be pretty familiar with the vocab words of this module. So, you should be able to use them properly and creatively

Read over the vocabulary words one more time
Compose and type in a story that shows you really understand each of the words

Be creative but be sure what you type shows you understand (not just can type) the words
Use all the vocabulary words
Type them exactly as they are typed above (same pluralization, capitalization, tense, etc.)

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Make sure you use the words in a way that really shows you understand them

Google Search Part 2: Querying
6 Vocabulary Words

In databases, a question is called a query.
Named after the famous George Boole, boolean operators allow you to combine simple phrases into specific searches using the words AND /OR / NOT.
The operator “AND” will bring back only results containing all the words for which you are searching.
The operator “NOT,” excludes results (pages) that have the term on them.
The Booleans (AND, OR, NOT) combine all your criteria together to find the pages that match all your criteria
In a Google search, the term AROUND returns pages where the two words are within a certain distance from each other on the web page.

By now you should be pretty familiar with the vocab words of this module. So, you should be able to use them properly and creatively

Read over the vocabulary words one more time
Compose and type in a story that shows you really understand each of the words

Be creative but be sure what you type shows you understand (not just can type) the words
Use all the vocabulary words
Type them exactly as they are typed above (same pluralization, capitalization, tense, etc.)

Get an Eval for your story. For the best Eval

Use all the words
Make sure you use the words in a way that really shows you understand them

Google Search Part 3: Results
4 Vocabulary Words

Google’s page rank algorithm is the major way they decide how to order results. It’s what made Google famous.
In addition to the page rank algorithm, Google has a large variety of other ways to rank pages by their relevance to your search (called, not surprisingly relevancy ranking).
The process of getting higher rankings on Google is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Search results filtering puts further constraints on your search results so that you see fewer and more relevant results.

By now you should be pretty familiar with the vocab words of this module. So, you should be able to use them properly and creatively

Read over the vocabulary words one more time
Compose and type in a story that shows you really understand each of the words

Be creative but be sure what you type shows you understand (not just can type) the words
Use all the vocabulary words
Type them exactly as they are typed above (same pluralization, capitalization, tense, etc.)

Get an Eval for your story. For the best Eval

Use all the words
Make sure you use the words in a way that really shows you understand them