ART2010 Midterm Exam Part II
For Part II of the Midterm Exam, write an essay in response to one of the prompts below. Your essay should focus on one of these films: The Bicycle Thief, Citizen Kane, Psycho, The Grand Budapest Hotel, or Saving Private Ryan.

Cinematography: Now that you’re familiar with film from the filmmaker’s point of view, choose one of the films above and dissect it like a filmmaker. Consider the cinematic choices the director made. What shots are particularly interesting, especially for what they tell us about the characters, their relationships, the movie’s themes, and the world of the film?
Mise en Scène: As we know, mise en scène is the composition of all the elements in a frame/scene. Analyze one aspect of mise en scène in one of the films listed above. For example, you might focus on setting (including props), costume, staging (including performance), or lighting, and examine its function in the narrative.
Film Form: Every film has a shape to it. Some go in chronological order, while others do not. These are also aspects of narrative form. Some make use of parallelism; others use recurring motifs in order to construct patterns. Analyze how the structure of one of the films we have watched contributes to its content. How does form help to reinforce and emphasize various aspects of the story itself?
Narrative Form: Most simply put, narrative form is how the story is told, which includes who tells it, how it unfolds, what’s left unsaid, and how much time it covers. Analyze the narrative form of your chosen film (from those we’ve watched) with particular attention to the effect it has on audience/viewer. You are not simply telling me what the form is, but analyzing the way it creates meaning and either fulfills or frustrates the viewer’s expectations, and to what effect.

Choose three scenes in particular to use as concrete examples to support your thesis. Do not summarize the film’s storyline; assume I know the film. Reference your scenes, but focus on discussing the relevance of each example to your analysis of the way this aspect of cinematography functions in the film.
Choose three scenes in particular to use as concrete examples to support your thesis. Do not summarize the film’s storyline; assume I know the film. Reference your scenes, but focus on discussing the relevance of each example to your analysis of the way this aspect of mise en scène functions in the film.
Choose three scenes in particular to use as concrete examples to support your thesis. Do not summarize the film’s storyline; assume I know the film. Reference your scenes, but focus on discussing the relevance of each example to your analysis your analysis of form functions with content.
Choose three scenes in particular to use as concrete examples to support your thesis. Do not summarize the film’s storyline; assume I know the film. Reference your scenes, but focus on discussing the relevance of each example to your analysis of fo
ART2010 Midterm Exam Part II
For Part II of the Midterm Exam, write an essay in response to one of the prompts below. Your essay should focus on one of these films: The Bicycle Thief, Citizen Kane, Psycho, The Grand Budapest Hotel, or Saving Private Ryan.

Cinematography: Now that you’re familiar with film from the filmmaker’s point of view, choose one of the films above and dissect it like a filmmaker. Consider the cinematic choices the director made. What shots are particularly interesting, especially for what they tell us about the characters, their relationships, the movie’s themes, and the world of the film?
Mise en Scène: As we know, mise en scène is the composition of all the elements in a frame/scene. Analyze one aspect of mise en scène in one of the films listed above. For example, you might focus on setting (including props), costume, staging (including performance), or lighting, and examine its function in the narrative.
Film Form: Every film has a shape to it. Some go in chronological order, while others do not. These are also aspects of narrative form. Some make use of parallelism; others use recurring motifs in order to construct patterns. Analyze how the structure of one of the films we have watched contributes to its content. How does form help to reinforce and emphasize various aspects of the story itself?
Narrative Form: Most simply put, narrative form is how the story is told, which includes who tells it, how it unfolds, what’s left unsaid, and how much time it covers. Analyze the narrative form of your chosen film (from those we’ve watched) with particular attention to the effect it has on audience/viewer. You are not simply telling me what the form is, but analyzing the way it creates meaning and either fulfills or frustrates the viewer’s expectations, and to what effect.

Choose three scenes in particular to use as concrete examples to support your thesis. Do not summarize the film’s storyline; assume I know the film. Reference your scenes, but focus on discussing the relevance of each example to your analysis of the way this aspect of cinematography functions in the film.
Choose three scenes in particular to use as concrete examples to support your thesis. Do not summarize the film’s storyline; assume I know the film. Reference your scenes, but focus on discussing the relevance of each example to your analysis of the way this aspect of mise en scène functions in the film.
Choose three scenes in particular to use as concrete examples to support your thesis. Do not summarize the film’s storyline; assume I know the film. Reference your scenes, but focus on discussing the relevance of each example to your analysis your analysis of form functions with content.
Choose three scenes in particular to use as concrete examples to support your thesis. Do not summarize the film’s storyline; assume I know the film. Reference your scenes, but focus on discussing the relevance of each example to your analysis of fo