Familiarize yourself with the strategies of research and produce an original five page minimum persuasive research essay using only the Rasmussen College library to find varied academic resources/databases. Choose five current, varied (by type), and credible sources to use in writing to support your topic which should result in a five page essay that persuades the reader that your perspective on a debatable topic is the correct position to take. Your APA paper should demonstrate your ability to engage the reader, provide a strong thesis with pattern for development, incorporate in-text citations as needed, and include a final reference page listing and using research resources as described above. Here is the topic for your persuasive essay assignment:
What do you think will be the most important debatable economic or social problem facing your field of work 20 years from now? Choose the problem, define it, and defend your position using credible research from the Rasmussen College library databases.
Grading Rubric


Not Submitted
No Pass

Evidence of Persuasion, Critical Thinking, and Thesis statement
Not Submitted
No or limited evidence of logical reason for writing provided. Paper lacks clear indication of the subject considered in thesis, missing clear persuasion elements.
Some evidence of persuasion used. Thesis statement does not clearly illustrate point of the paper, relates to most of the body paragraphs, but not all. Logic reasoning has gaps.
Some evidence of research. Thesis statement is used but recedes in importance as paper moves along. Persuasion of paper topic is evident, but not strongly defended.
Student clearly employs research to develop the topic. Introduction clearly gives the purpose of the paper and thesis indicates a “reason for writing” and is used to command the development of the rest of the essay.

Essay: Research and use of Resources
Not Submitted
Either no or limited body paragraphs provided, paragraphs are under-developed, or do not clearly support or relate to the thesis or topic sentences, or research is not from credible Rasmussen databases or is dated.. In-text citations are lacking details or are inaccurate or missing.
Composition of body paragraphs appear designed to support thesis as stated; however, irrelevant (major details) appear to simply use research sources. Use of in-text citations is sometimes overlooked. Research is not all current or show use of varied Rasmussen resources.
Body Paragraphs tie to essay topic, support thesis as stated, but do not always include enough detail and examples to be complete persuasive paragraphs. Although citations are used, some are incorrectly used to show support for topic.
Body paragraphs clearly support main idea of the essay and illustrate good use of research to achieve the purpose of the assignment. Student sticks to the thesis support.

Essay Construction
Not Submitted
No or limited concluding paragraph to wrap up the essay is offered, or essay persuasion is incomplete or under developed, lacks complete or accurate citations and/or reference list is missing citations or includes errors.
Weak essay organization exists: thesis is appropriate for persuasive paper. Conclusion paragraph may exist, but is not successful in supporting thesis for a persuasive essay. Paper fails to persuade, but shows competent construction of a basic essay.
Most persuasive elements work well; however, some body paragraphs may show minor lack of support, & weak conclusion to wrap up the paper is evident.
Paper follows standard essay paragraphs that successfully show review of the thesis, and main ideas of the body support the paper. Conclusion effectively signals completion of the persuasive essay. All persuasive elements work together with the use of research.

Writing: Paragraph and Sentence Structure and Usage
Not Submitted
Incomplete sentences or sentence errors are evident throughout the paragraphs, misplaced sentences, and/or incoherent sentences. Essay wanders off the support or off topic for major points.
Most sentences are complete and coherent; however, some omissions occur and/or incorrect statements of facts and ideas exist in the use of research. Some slang or unprofessional tone may be present. Transitional sentences needed to move essay along.
Some evidence of varied sentence structures used correctly, but some paragraph body sentences fail to show variety and/or support organization of the persuasive essay research.
Varied sentence structure and simple/complex sentences show sophisticated style. Demonstrates effective use of transitions. Sentences work to show development of the essay.

Grammar and Mechanics
Not Submitted
Many grammatical and mechanical errors result in disconnected thoughts and incoherent points for a written paper. Errors in word choice or wording detract from the message.
Sentences show coherence; however, some usage errors are evident, and may fail to show sentence variety and/or transitions in sup